Weight Loss Isn’t a Secret

Weight Loss Secret?

Why does weight loss seem so elusive or secretive? There seems to be an endless amount of diets, influencers, books, and articles that seem to claim they have the secret to weight loss.

First, many of these claims are a ploy to sell a product that, while it works, costs you more money than the return on investment. Second, there IS a ton of information out there about losing weight, therefore the “fire hydrant” feel to absorbing said information.

My goal is to try to simplify the process as much as possible. That is why I offer a free 7 step basic plan to lose weight. Sure, I have a 7 day crash course that goes into much detail about the science behind weight loss, with example recipes and motivational tools. However, it is not a requirement to lose weight.

I did the research myself over many years so that you don’t have to. You could absolutely do the same as me and read numerous articles, books, and journals; watch YouTube influencers until you’re blue in the face; and, through trial and error, hone the process for quickly and sustainably losing weight. Or, you can lean on me as your resource and take my advice that has been highly studied.

Why the confusion?

The problem with the nutrition world isn’t really a problem at all. There is an abundance of research and information out there to help you make an informed decision on what would best work for you. From the Ketogenic Diet, Low Carb Diets, Mediterranean diets, Vegan, Carnivore Diets, Intermittent Fasting, Weight Watchers, and many more.

There are a hundred phone apps to help track and motivate you on your journey, each catering to a different diet process. There is MyFitnessPal, LoseIt!, Fastic, Weight Watchers, Noom, and more.

Let’s Simplify It All!

Regardless of the dietary process you choose (i.e. Low Carb, Keto, CICO…) all of these diets have a scientific fact that they all hinge on. That scientific fact is that you can ONLY lose weight if you burn more than you consume. Calories In, Calories Out is proven to be a non-negotiable in weight loss. If you eat low carb, but eat too many calories, you will gain weight. You can Intermittent Fast and eat too many calories, and will also gain weight. If you do Weight Watchers and over eat, you will never meet your weight loss goals.

Simply put, you have to have more out and less in, however you decide to achieve that.

Weight Loss Isn’t a Secret After All

All of the information is out there for you to find on Google, YouTube, books, articles, and journals. Can it take a long time to do the research and come to a good understanding? Yes! Can you follow me and get this information in a much simpler and sifted-through form? Absolutely!

Click below to go to my Sign Up page and get updates, a free introductory video, and a Free PDF of the basic information of my weight loss plan.

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