Weight Loss Plan: My Daily Routine

Every day, I use roughly the same routine to continue to lose weight. Having a plan is known to create a 30% greater chance of success. A weight loss plan is not a difficult math equation, and it is simple to follow.

Here is the daily routine of my weight loss plan.

My Daily Routine: Morning

As soon as you wake up in the morning, before you do anything else, go to the bathroom. Empty your body and then weigh yourself. This will give you an accurate account of what you truly weigh.

After weighing yourself, drink a full glass of water. It is vitally important to hydrate yourself with a full glass of water as soon as you get up. This allows your cells to function at their peak.

[I also take my vitamins in the morning when I drink my water to save on time]

Breakfast: How to begin the weight loss plan

I do not eat breakfast on most days. I use a diet plan called Intermittent Fasting, which will be covered in another post. 

If you do eat breakfast, try to eat protein, lean meats, and low sugary foods. Stay away from the sweets (pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, cereal) that are loaded with sugar. This will spike your insulin and immediately halt your body’s ability to burn fat.

Lunch: Weight Loss Plan Continued

For lunch, it is super important to eat lean protein, carbs, and fats. The easiest way to calculate this is to take your weight and attempt to eat that number in grams of protein per day. It is sometimes difficult to reach, especially if you are significantly overweight, but it’s important to try your best to reach that number. 

For example, if we take a 200 pound person, they would need to try and consume 200g of protein a day. That’s somewhere around 65 grams of protein per meal. Then split up the remaining calories with carbs and fats. I would recommend eating less carbs than fats, but the protein is the most important part of fat loss.

Remember, you need to be in a caloric deficit of 3500 (1 lb of fat) or 7000 (2 lbs a fat) per week to lose weight. This is a non-negotiable.


It is a good idea to try and limit carbs for this meal.

Eat lean protein (fish, chicken, steak, etc) and vegetables. Avoid sugary drinks and desserts as often as possible. Remember, we are trying to keep our insulin as low as possible so as to remain in a fat burning state.

If you would like to know more about how I diet (Intermittent Fast) follow my blog and review my other posts. Also, you can go to my youtube channel and view my videos for more information.

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